tisdag 21 januari 2014

Agent Attitude & Damaged Head EP´s out now!

Adult Crash have two new releases out now by two swedish bands. Agent Attitude follow up their great LP with an EP called Repulsive Action. They´re kind enough to offer the whole thing over at their Bandcamp site so head on over and have a listen, I assure you it´s great. This is a co-release with Monument Records so choose whatever suits you best if you want to order.

Damaged Head is a new band featuring people from Herätys, Institution, Nitad, Agent Attitude and Separation. That´s a good track record just looking at previous bands and since I´ve heard the recording I can only say this is a contender for EP of the year along with above mentioned Agent Attitude EP. It´s a bit hesitant to say that this early in the year but I´m pretty sure they´ll both be up there at the end of the year. DH is streaming two tracks over at their Bandcamp so check it out and make sure you order a copy. I guess Monument will get these for all you swedes as well.

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